Information for Effective Altruism Funds

Table of contents

Basic information

Item Value
Other names EA Funds
Country United States|United Kingdom|Netherlands
Team page
Launch date 2020-12-01
Hosting organization Effective Ventures Foundation
Last recorded date when we made major data updates for this org 2024-03-09
Donations List Website (data still preliminary) donor, donee

Positions count by year

Hover over a name to see the position and date range. This table only includes positions where at least the start date is known. The positions count can count the same person multiple times if they held different positions; similarly, the list of staff may include the same person multiple times if they held more than one position during a single year. For each year, a person is included if they were at the organization for any part of the year; this means the actual staff count at any point during the year can be lower (or higher, if some staff held multiple positions in a single year).

Year Positions count Researchers General staff Associates Board members Advisors
2016 1 Peter McIntyre
2017 1 Peter McIntyre
2018 3 Alex Foster, Matthew Fallshaw, Peter McIntyre
2019 4 Alex Foster, Alexandria Beck, Karolina Sarek, Matthew Fallshaw
2020 4 Alex Foster, Alexandria Beck, Jonas Vollmer, Karolina Sarek
2021 18 Adam Gleave, Alexandria Beck, Asya Bergal, Buck Shlegeris, Elie Hassenfeld, Evan Hubinger, Jonas Vollmer, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Marcus A. Davis, Matt Wage, Max Daniel, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Oliver Habryka Luke Ding, Nick Beckstead, Nicole Ross
2022 23 Adam Gleave, Alexandria Beck, Asya Bergal, Buck Shlegeris, Caleb Parikh, Elie Hassenfeld, Evan Hubinger, Fabio Kuhn, Jonas Vollmer, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Lewis Bollard, Marcus A. Davis, Matt Wage, Max Daniel, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Oliver Habryka, Peter Wildeford Luke Ding, Nick Beckstead, Nicole Ross, Rob Gledhill
2023 24 Asya Bergal, Caleb Parikh, Dave Coman-Hidy, Elie Hassenfeld, Fabio Kuhn, Huw Thomas, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Lauro Langosco, Lawrence Chan, Lewis Bollard, Marcus A. Davis, Max Daniel, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Neil Dullaghan, Oliver Habryka, Peter Wildeford, Thomas Larsen, Tom Barnes, Zoë Sigle Luke Ding, Nicole Ross, Rob Gledhill
2024 23 Asya Bergal, Caleb Parikh, Dave Coman-Hidy, Elie Hassenfeld, Fabio Kuhn, Huw Thomas, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Lauro Langosco, Lawrence Chan, Lewis Bollard, Marcus A. Davis, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Neil Dullaghan, Oliver Habryka, Peter Wildeford, Thomas Larsen, Tom Barnes, Zoë Sigle Luke Ding, Nicole Ross, Rob Gledhill

Number of full-time staff at the beginning each year

The following table lists some dates and people who were at the organization on the given date (namely, the start of the year). The table may not list every person who worked for the organization (e.g. they could have joined and left in the middle of a single year). This table excludes associates, interns, advisors, and board members.

Date Staff count Staff
2016-01-01 1 Peter McIntyre
2017-01-01 1 Peter McIntyre
2018-01-01 2 Alex Foster, Peter McIntyre
2019-01-01 2 Alex Foster, Matthew Fallshaw
2020-01-01 3 Alex Foster, Alexandria Beck, Karolina Sarek
2021-01-01 4 Alexandria Beck, Jonas Vollmer, Karolina Sarek, Michelle Hutchinson
2022-01-01 15 Adam Gleave, Alexandria Beck, Asya Bergal, Buck Shlegeris, Elie Hassenfeld, Evan Hubinger, Jonas Vollmer, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Marcus A. Davis, Matt Wage, Max Daniel, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Oliver Habryka
2023-01-01 13 Asya Bergal, Caleb Parikh, Elie Hassenfeld, Fabio Kuhn, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Lewis Bollard, Marcus A. Davis, Max Daniel, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Oliver Habryka, Peter Wildeford
2024-01-01 20 Asya Bergal, Caleb Parikh, Dave Coman-Hidy, Elie Hassenfeld, Fabio Kuhn, Huw Thomas, Karolina Sarek, Kieran Greig, Lauro Langosco, Lawrence Chan, Lewis Bollard, Marcus A. Davis, Michelle Hutchinson, Mikaela Saccoccio, Neil Dullaghan, Oliver Habryka, Peter Wildeford, Thomas Larsen, Tom Barnes, Zoë Sigle

Full history of additions and subtractions

This table shows the full change history of positions. Each row corresponds to at least one addition or removal of a position. Additions are in green and subtractions are in red. If a position name changed, it is listed simultaneously as an addition (of the new name) and removal (of the old name) and colored yellow. Additionally there are faded variants of each color for visited links.

Date Number of positions Number of positions added Number of positions removed Positions added Positions removed
2 2 0 Denise Melchin, Megan Brown
2016-01-01 3 1 0 Peter McIntyre
2018-01-01 4 1 0 Alex Foster
2018-08-01 5 1 0 Matthew Fallshaw
2019-01-01 4 0 -1 Peter McIntyre
2019-05-01 3 0 -1 Matthew Fallshaw
2019-06-01 4 1 0 Karolina Sarek
2019-07-01 5 1 0 Alexandria Beck
2020-12-01 6 1 0 Jonas Vollmer
2021-01-01 6 1 -1 Michelle Hutchinson Alex Foster
2021-12-15 20 14 0 Adam Gleave, Asya Bergal, Buck Shlegeris, Elie Hassenfeld, Evan Hubinger, Kieran Greig, Luke Ding, Marcus A. Davis, Matt Wage, Max Daniel, Mikaela Saccoccio, Nick Beckstead, Nicole Ross, Oliver Habryka
2022-01-26 21 1 0 Peter Wildeford
2022-02-01 22 1 0 Caleb Parikh
2022-03-03 23 1 0 Lewis Bollard
2022-04-01 22 0 -1 Jonas Vollmer
2022-05-28 23 1 0 Fabio Kuhn
2022-07-01 22 0 -1 Alexandria Beck
2022-07-20 20 0 -2 Adam Gleave, Evan Hubinger
2022-10-05 17 0 -3 Buck Shlegeris, Matt Wage, Nick Beckstead
2022-12-04 18 1 0 Rob Gledhill
2023-03-17 20 2 0 Dave Coman-Hidy, Neil Dullaghan
2023-04-25 22 2 0 Thomas Larsen, Tom Barnes
2023-07-11 21 0 -1 Max Daniel
2023-08-30 22 1 0 Huw Thomas
2023-10-22 23 1 0 Zoë Sigle
2023-11-09 25 2 0 Lauro Langosco, Lawrence Chan

List of people (36 positions)

Person Title Start date End date Employment type Source Notes
Adam Gleave Fund Manager 2021-12-15 2022-07-20 [1], [2]
Alex Foster Fund Manager 2018-01-01 2021-01-01 [3]
Alexandria Beck Fund Manager 2019-07-01 2022-07-01 [4], [5]
Asya Bergal Fund Manager (Open Philanthropy) 2021-12-15 [1], [6]
Buck Shlegeris Fund Manager 2021-12-15 2022-10-05 [1], [7]
Caleb Parikh Project Lead 2022-02-01 intern [8], [6], [9]
Dave Coman-Hidy Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2023-03-17 [10], [6]
Denise Melchin Fund Manager [11]
Elie Hassenfeld Fund chair 2021-12-15 [1], [6]
Evan Hubinger Fund Manager 2021-12-15 2022-07-20 [1], [2]
Fabio Kuhn Software Engineer 2022-05-28 [12], [6]
Huw Thomas Fund Manager 2023-08-30 [13], [6]
Jonas Vollmer Executive Director 2020-12-01 2022-04-01 full-time [14], [15]
Karolina Sarek Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2019-06-01 [4], [16], [6]
Kieran Greig Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2021-12-15 [1], [6]
Lawrence Chan Guest Fund Manager (Long-Term Future) 2023-11-09 [17], [6]
Lauro Langosco Guest Fund Manager (Long-Term Future) 2023-11-09 [17], [6]
Lewis Bollard Fund Manager 2022-03-03 [8], [6]
Luke Ding Advisor 2021-12-15 advisor [1], [6]
Marcus A. Davis Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2021-12-15 [1], [6]
Matthew Fallshaw Guest Manager 2018-08-01 2019-05-01 [18]
Matt Wage Fund Manager 2021-12-15 2022-10-05 [1], [7]
Max Daniel Fund Chair 2021-12-15 2023-07-11 [1], [19]
Megan Brown Fund Manager (Advisor) [11]
Michelle Hutchinson Fund Manager (80,000 Hours) 2021-01-01 part-time [8], [20]
Mikaela Saccoccio Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2021-12-15 [1], [6]
Neil Dullaghan Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2023-03-17 [10], [6]
Nick Beckstead Advisor 2021-12-15 2022-10-05 advisor [1], [7]
Nicole Ross Advisor 2021-12-15 advisor [1], [6]
Oliver Habryka Fund Manager 2021-12-15 advisor [1], [6]
Peter McIntyre Fund Manager 2016-01-01 2019-01-01 [11], [21]
Peter Wildeford Fund Manager 2022-01-26 [22], [6]
Rob Gledhill Fund Advisor 2022-12-04 advisor [23], [6]
Thomas Larsen Guest Fund Manager (Long-Term Future) 2023-04-25 [24], [6]
Tom Barnes Assistant Fund Manager (Effective Altruism Infrastructure) 2023-04-25 [24], [6]
Zoë Sigle Fund Manager (Animal Welfare) 2023-10-22 [25], [6]

Products (0 products)

Name Creation date Description

Organization documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes

Documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Affected agendas Notes

Similar organizations

Organization Number of people in common List of people in common
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Machine Intelligence Research Institute 4 Buck Shlegeris, Evan Hubinger, Matthew Fallshaw, Oliver Habryka
GiveWell 4 Elie Hassenfeld, Lewis Bollard, Nick Beckstead, Nicole Ross
80,000 Hours 4 Michelle Hutchinson, Nick Beckstead, Nicole Ross, Peter McIntyre
The Humane League 3 Alexandria Beck, Mikaela Saccoccio, Zoë Sigle
Center for Human-Compatible AI 2 Adam Gleave, Lawrence Chan
Fund for Alignment Research 2 Adam Gleave, Lawrence Chan
Effective Altruism Foundation 2 Jonas Vollmer, Max Daniel
Sentience Institute 2 Jonas Vollmer, Max Daniel
Farmed Animal Funders 2 Kieran Greig, Mikaela Saccoccio
AI Impacts 1 Asya Bergal
Redwood Research 1 Buck Shlegeris
Center on Long-Term Risk 1 Jonas Vollmer
Raising for Effective Giving 1 Jonas Vollmer
Sentience Politics 1 Jonas Vollmer
Fish Welfare Initiative 1 Karolina Sarek
Happier Lives Institute 1 Karolina Sarek
Institute for Law and AI 1 Karolina Sarek
Animal Charity Evaluators 1 Kieran Greig
Alignment Research Center 1 Lawrence Chan
High Impact Athletes 1 Lewis Bollard
Charity Science Health 1 Marcus A. Davis
Rethink Charity 1 Marcus A. Davis
Foundational Research Institute 1 Max Daniel
Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research 1 Max Daniel
Probably Good 1 Michelle Hutchinson
Rethink Priorities 1 Neil Dullaghan
FTX Future Fund 1 Nick Beckstead
Future of Humanity Institute 1 Nick Beckstead
Longview Philanthropy 1 Nick Beckstead
Center for Applied Rationality 1 Oliver Habryka
Lightcone Infrastructure 1 Oliver Habryka
Non-trivial 1 Peter McIntyre
Centre for Exploratory Altruism Research 1 Peter Wildeford
Center for AI Policy 1 Thomas Larsen
Mercy for Animals 1 Zoë Sigle