Information for David Roodman

Table of contents

Basic information

Item Value

List of positions (3 positions)

Organization Title Start date End date Employment type Source Notes
Center for Global Development Research Fellow 2002-01-01 [1]
GiveWell Senior Advisor 2015-03-19 advisor [2], [3]
Open Philanthropy Senior Advisor 2018-06-01 full-time [4], [5]

Products (0 products)

Name Creation date Description

Organization documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes

Documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Affected agendas Notes

Similar people

Showing at most 20 people who are most similar in terms of which organizations they have worked at.

Person Number of organizations in common List of organizations in common
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Claire Zabel 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Howie Lempel 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Nick Beckstead 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Nicole Ross 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
James Snowden 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Helen Toner 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Elie Hassenfeld 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Lewis Bollard 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Daniel Dewey 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Ajeya Cotra 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Alexander Berger 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Cari Tuna 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Chloe Cockburn 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Chris Somerville 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Heather Youngs 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Holden Karnofsky 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Jaime Yassif 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy
Luke Muehlhauser 2 GiveWell, Open Philanthropy