Intersect Tara Mac Aulay and Benjamin Todd

Table of contents

Common organizations

Organization Tara Mac Aulay Benjamin Todd
80,000 Hours Chief Operating Officer (2017-08-162017-08-16); Chief Executive Officer (2017-11-222018-03-25) President and Co-founder (2022-05-02–); CEO and Founder (2011-10-012022-05-01)
Centre for Effective Altruism Chief Executive Officer (2018-01-012018-05-03); Chief Operating Officer, Community and Outreach Division (2016-10-012018-01-01); Chief Operating Officer (2016-02-012016-10-01) Staff (2012-07-012016-08-01)

Organization documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes