Information for Anya Hunt

Table of contents

Basic information

Item Value

List of positions (2 positions)

Organization Title Start date End date Employment type Source Notes
Open Philanthropy Grants Associate 2018-05-01 2019-01-01 [1]
Open Philanthropy Recruiting Manager 2019-01-01 2023-01-01 full-time [2], [1]

Products (0 products)

Name Creation date Description

Organization documents (1 document)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes
Our Approach to Recruiting a Strong Team 2021-01-05 Anya Hunt Open Philanthropy Open Philanthropy Open Philanthropy’s Recruiting Manager Anya Hunt discusses with Michael Levine about Open Philanthropy’s approach to recruiting, the role of work tests in the application process, and measures Open Phil is taking to diversify their pipeline and attract talent from different communities.

Documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Affected agendas Notes

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