Information for Stephanie Frankle

Table of contents

Basic information

Item Value

List of positions (4 positions)

Organization Title Start date End date Employment type Source Notes
The Humane League San Francisco Grassroots Director 2014-01-01 2016-06-01 [1], [2]
The Humane League Campus Outreach Director 2016-07-01 2017-05-01 [3], [2]
The Humane League Director of Student Engagement 2017-05-01 2018-06-01 [4], [2]
The Humane League Culture and Engagement Specialist 2018-06-01 2020-01-01 [2]

Products (0 products)

Name Creation date Description

Organization documents (2 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes
Roundtable: how can remote employees maintain a healthy work-life balance? 2019-10-26 Cash Callaghan Animal Charity Evaluators The Humane League, Centre for Effective Altruism, Animal Equality, Rethink Charity, Animal Charity Evaluators, ProVeg International Stephanie Frankle, Julia Wise, Antonia Vitale, Baxter Bullock, Leah Edgerton General discussion of organizational practices AI safety|Animal welfare The blog post is a roundtable between people working in executive, operational, and community health roles at organizations in the animal welfare and effective altruism spaces. It is mainly focused on how organizations with remote employees can maintain a healthy work-life balance. Some of the organizations are completely remote (they have no central office) whereas others have both on-site and remote employees. Common themes emphasized by multiple participants include: work-life separation through time (keeping clear working hours boundaries) and space (e.g., having a designated space for working in one's home), open and proactive communication, encouraging time off with leadership setting an example, and keeping a healthy level of social interaction through tools such as Slack. Also cross-posted to the Effective Altruism Forum at [5] (no comments there as of November 10, 2019)
Roundtable: how can remote organizations effectively hire and onboard new employees? 2019-09-28 Cash Callaghan Animal Charity Evaluators The Humane League, Centre for Effective Altruism, Animal Equality, Rethink Charity, Animal Charity Evaluators, ProVeg International Stephanie Frankle, Julia Wise, Antonia Vitale, Baxter Bullock, Leah Edgerton General discussion of organizational practices AI safety|Animal welfare The blog post is a roundtable between people working in executive, operational, and community health roles at organizations in the animal welfare and effective altruism spaces. It is mainly focused on how organizations with remote employees can effectively hire and onboard new employees. Some of the organizations are completely remote (they have no central office) whereas others have both on-site and remote employees. Common themes emphasized by multiple participants include: using "culture add" and not just culture fit (to reduce risk of homogeneity), frequent check-ins, in-person meetings where feasible, and culture orientation for new employees (either an explicit orientation session, or through Slack and check-in meetings).

Documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Affected agendas Notes

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