Information for AI Impacts

Table of contents

Basic information

Item Value
Country United States
Hosting organization Machine Intelligence Research Institute
Last recorded date when we made major data updates for this org 2024-02-16
Donations List Website (data still preliminary) donee

Positions count by year

Hover over a name to see the position and date range. This table only includes positions where at least the start date is known. The positions count can count the same person multiple times if they held different positions; similarly, the list of staff may include the same person multiple times if they held more than one position during a single year. For each year, a person is included if they were at the organization for any part of the year; this means the actual staff count at any point during the year can be lower (or higher, if some staff held multiple positions in a single year).

Year Positions count Researchers General staff Associates Board members Advisors
2014 1 Katja Grace
2015 2 John Salvatier, Katja Grace
2016 4 Finan Adamson, John Salvatier, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn
2017 8 John Salvatier, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn Ben Hoffman, Connor Flexman, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Paul Christiano
2018 6 Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn Connor Flexman, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Tegan McCaslin
2019 10 Asya Bergal, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn, Richard Korzekwa Connor Flexman, Daniel Kokotajlo, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Ronja Lutz, Tegan McCaslin
2020 8 Asya Bergal, Katja Grace, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn, Richard Korzekwa Daniel Kokotajlo, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills
2021 9 Asya Bergal, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn, Richard Korzekwa Daniel Kokotajlo, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Richard Korzekwa, Ronny Fernandez
2022 8 Aysja Johnson, Harlan Stewart, Katja Grace, Zach Stein-Perlman Elizabeth Santos, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Richard Korzekwa
2023 9 Aysja Johnson, Harlan Stewart, Jeffrey Heninger, Katja Grace, Zach Stein-Perlman Elizabeth Santos, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Richard Korzekwa
2024 7 Harlan Stewart, Jeffrey Heninger, Katja Grace, Zach Stein-Perlman Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Richard Korzekwa

Number of full-time staff at the beginning each year

The following table lists some dates and people who were at the organization on the given date (namely, the start of the year). The table may not list every person who worked for the organization (e.g. they could have joined and left in the middle of a single year). This table excludes associates, interns, advisors, and board members.

Date Staff count Staff
2015-01-01 1 Katja Grace
2016-01-01 2 John Salvatier, Katja Grace
2017-01-01 3 John Salvatier, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn
2018-01-01 5 Connor Flexman, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn
2019-01-01 8 Connor Flexman, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn, Richard Korzekwa, Ronja Lutz, Tegan McCaslin
2020-01-01 7 Asya Bergal, Daniel Kokotajlo, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn, Richard Korzekwa
2021-01-01 7 Asya Bergal, Daniel Kokotajlo, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Michael Wulfsohn, Richard Korzekwa
2022-01-01 3 Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Richard Korzekwa
2023-01-01 8 Aysja Johnson, Elizabeth Santos, Harlan Stewart, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Richard Korzekwa, Zach Stein-Perlman
2024-01-01 7 Harlan Stewart, Jeffrey Heninger, Jimmy Rintjema, Justis Mills, Katja Grace, Richard Korzekwa, Zach Stein-Perlman

Full history of additions and subtractions

This table shows the full change history of positions. Each row corresponds to at least one addition or removal of a position. Additions are in green and subtractions are in red. If a position name changed, it is listed simultaneously as an addition (of the new name) and removal (of the old name) and colored yellow. Additionally there are faded variants of each color for visited links.

Date Number of positions Number of positions added Number of positions removed Positions added Positions removed
1 1 0 Stephanie Zolayvar
2014-02-01 2 1 0 Katja Grace
2015-11-01 3 1 0 John Salvatier
2016-04-01 4 1 0 Michael Wulfsohn
2016-09-01 5 1 0 Finan Adamson
2016-12-01 4 0 -1 Finan Adamson
2017-06-01 5 1 0 Connor Flexman
2017-07-01 6 1 0 Justis Mills
2017-10-26 5 3 -4 Ben Hoffman, Jimmy Rintjema, Paul Christiano Ben Hoffman, John Salvatier, Paul Christiano, Stephanie Zolayvar
2018-04-24 6 1 0 Tegan McCaslin
2019-01-01 8 2 0 Richard Korzekwa, Ronja Lutz
2019-01-02 7 0 -1 Tegan McCaslin
2019-02-01 8 1 0 Asya Bergal
2019-02-02 9 1 0 Daniel Kokotajlo
2019-02-12 8 0 -1 Connor Flexman
2019-05-01 7 0 -1 Ronja Lutz
2020-02-01 7 1 -1 Katja Grace Katja Grace
2021-10-01 7 1 -1 Ronny Fernandez Daniel Kokotajlo
2021-10-27 5 0 -2 Michael Wulfsohn, Ronny Fernandez
2021-11-01 5 1 -1 Richard Korzekwa Richard Korzekwa
2021-12-01 4 0 -1 Asya Bergal
2021-12-07 3 0 -1 Jimmy Rintjema
2022-03-12 4 1 0 Jimmy Rintjema
2022-07-01 5 1 0 Harlan Stewart
2022-09-01 6 1 0 Zach Stein-Perlman
2022-12-24 8 2 0 Aysja Johnson, Elizabeth Santos
2023-04-01 6 0 -2 Aysja Johnson, Elizabeth Santos
2023-05-06 7 1 0 Jeffrey Heninger

List of people (24 positions)

Person Title Start date End date Employment type Source Notes
Asya Bergal Researcher 2019-02-01 2021-12-01 contractor [1], [2], [3]
Aysja Johnson Research analyst 2022-12-24 2023-04-01 [4], [5]
Ben Hoffman Contributor 2017-10-26 2017-10-26 [6]
Connor Flexman Contributor 2017-06-01 2019-02-12 [6], [7]
Daniel Kokotajlo Contributor 2019-02-02 2021-10-01 [8], [3]
Elizabeth Santos Operations Lead 2022-12-24 2023-04-01 [4], [9]
Finan Adamson Writer/Researcher 2016-09-01 2016-12-01 [6], [10], [7]
Harlan Stewart Research Assistant 2022-07-01 full-time [11], [12]
Jeffrey Heninger Research Analyst 2023-05-06 [13], [12]
Jimmy Rintjema Contributor 2017-10-26 2021-12-07 [6], [14]
Jimmy Rintjema Support 2022-03-12 [15], [12]
John Salvatier Researcher 2015-11-01 2017-10-26 [16], [17], [18], [19], [6]
Justis Mills Support 2017-07-01 [20], [12]
Katja Grace Researcher 2014-02-01 2020-02-01 part-time [21]
Katja Grace Lead Researcher 2020-02-01 full-time [21], [12]
Michael Wulfsohn Researcher 2016-04-01 2021-10-27 [6], [22], [3] Michael Wulfsohn works independently on several research projects that utilize economic tools to evaluate potential risks associated with the advancement of artificial intelligence. His work can be accessed on [23] Some of his notable projects include analyzing the safety of AI as a worldwide public good, examining the returns to research scale, and conducting a preliminary cost-benefit analysis of minimizing the risk of human extinction.
Paul Christiano Contributor 2017-10-26 2017-10-26 [24], [6]
Richard Korzekwa Researcher 2019-01-01 2021-11-01 full-time [25], [5], [26]
Richard Korzekwa Director 2021-11-01 full-time [25], [12], [26]
Ronja Lutz Operations Manager 2019-01-01 2019-05-01 [27], [28], [29] She was responsible for leading AI Impact operations and served as the manager of the organization main research project during that period, which was known as the "Discontinuous progress investigation."
Ronny Fernandez Contributor 2021-10-01 2021-10-27 [3]
Stephanie Zolayvar Contributor 2017-10-26 [6]
Tegan McCaslin Contributor 2018-04-24 2019-01-02 [30], [31]
Zach Stein-Perlman Research Analyst 2022-09-01 intern [32], [12]

Products (0 products)

Name Creation date Description

Organization documents (2 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Document scope Cause area Notes
Comment on After one year of applying for EA jobs: It is really, really hard to get hired by an EA organisation 2019-02-27 Aaron Gertler Effective Altruism Forum Centre for Effective Altruism, Open Philanthropy, Machine Intelligence Research Institute, Ought, Vox, AI Impacts, Center for Human-Compatible AI, Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative Job application experience Various Gertler describes his experience applying to various effective altruism-related organizations.
Comment on After one year of applying for EA jobs: It is really, really hard to get hired by an EA organisation 2019-02-26 Max Daniel Effective Altruism Forum Open Philanthropy, OpenAI, Berkeley Existential Risk Initiative, Centre for Effective Altruism, Future of Humanity Institute, AI Impacts Daniel gives his experience applying to various effective altruist organizations, detailing the time he spent on applications and preparation.

Documents (0 documents)

Title Publication date Author Publisher Affected organizations Affected people Affected agendas Notes

Similar organizations

Organization Number of people in common List of people in common
Machine Intelligence Research Institute 4 Connor Flexman, Jimmy Rintjema, Katja Grace, Paul Christiano
Future of Humanity Institute 3 John Salvatier, Katja Grace, Paul Christiano
Open Philanthropy 2 Asya Bergal, Paul Christiano
Effective Altruism Funds 1 Asya Bergal
GiveWell 1 Ben Hoffman
Median Group 1 Ben Hoffman
Alvea 1 Connor Flexman
Center on Long-Term Risk 1 Daniel Kokotajlo
Effective Altruism Foundation 1 Daniel Kokotajlo
University of California, Berkeley 1 Paul Christiano
80,000 Hours 1 Paul Christiano
Alignment Research Center 1 Paul Christiano
OpenAI 1 Paul Christiano
Ought 1 Paul Christiano
Redwood Research 1 Paul Christiano
Theiss Research 1 Paul Christiano
Center for Applied Rationality 1 Stephanie Zolayvar
1 Tegan McCaslin
Forecasting Research Institute 1 Tegan McCaslin